Successpiration of the day

Choose who you fly with FR  

Choose who you fly with EN

They say that the people closest to you have a great influence on your journey and destination. However, as we all strive for happiness and success, we often overlook the extent of the impact of our friends, family, co-workers, facebook friends (we spend a lot more time on social media then engaging in real conversation) on us. I am therefore encouraging you to reflect on these aspects:

  1. How does your surrounding feed your mind?
  2. Are there people who make you feel good in the moment but leave you feeling empty and discouraged as soon as you go back to your routine?
  3. Do you have a support system that can feed your mind to a point that when you leave them, their words stay with you, give you energy and make you continue to grow stronger?

If there are any people that come to mind while reading question #2, I suggest you choose you first and make decisions that are healthy for your mind, body and soul.

If you have people that come to mind while reading question #3, you are lucky to have them! Please show them gratitude for their generosity! Share this post with them and tell them “THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME REACH THE SKY”!


On dit que les gens les plus près de nous ont une grande influece sur notre parcours et notre destinée. Cependant, bien que nous désirons être heureux et avoir du succès, nous sous estimons l’impact que nos amis, notre famille, nos collègues, nos amis facebook (parce que nous passons plus de temps sur les médias sociaux qu’à entretenir des relations en personne) ont sur nous. Je vous invite donc à réfléchir sur les aspects suivants:

  1. Est-ce que votre entourage nourrit vos pensées?
  2. Est-ce que certaines personnes vous permettent de vous sentir bien dans le moment présent mais vous laissent complètement vidé et découragé dès que vous retournez à vos occupations?
  3. Avez-vous un système de support qui nourrit votre pensée à un point que lorsque vous les laissez, leurs paroles restent avec vous et vous donne de l’énergie pour continuer à grandir?

S’il y a des gens qui vous viennent à l’esprit en lisant la question #2, je vous suggère de vous mettre en priorité et de faire les choix nécessaire pour être en santé émotionnellement, physiquement et spirituellement.

Si vous avez des gens qui vous viennent à l’esprit en lisant la question #3, vous êtes chanceux de les avoir! Soyez reconnaissants de leur générosité. Partagez cette publication avec eux et dites leurs “MERCI DE M’AIDER À VOLER ET ATTEINDRE LE CIEL”!


Do you have what it takes to be a boss? Part 1

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DeathtoStock_Creative Community8

You have the skills. You’ve done your work. They say you have potential. You know you are ready NOW.

Managing a team seems really easy

When you have been around for a while and seen so many of your bosses make decisions you don’t necessarily agree with, you may wonder why they don’t let you take the lead, make decisions, call the shots! Well, it might seem easy to be a manager but did you know that most of new managers fail? Linda Hill, a Harvard Business School professor, researched the journey of 20 new managers to understand what makes that transition so difficult. In her book Becoming a manager, she mentions that ‘most people want a managerial job because they want to have the authority and power to implement their ideas. They want to be the BOSS.’  … Unfortunately, once they get promoted, their first lesson is that being a boss is nothing close to what they expected…

Why you might ask? Well, as an HR professional, I must admit that there is not a commonly accepted definition of what a manager is (and don’t bother Googleing it: you will get more than 432 000 000 results). Hence, every single one of us has made up our own definition or explanation of what a good manager should do.

What is so different and difficult about being a manager?

In a attempt to bring clarity to corporate positions, the acclaimed book ‘Leadership Pipeline’ describes the difference between a professional and a manager by stating that ‘as a manager, although you still need to use the skills you honed as an individual contributor, you mostly need to work through others to achieve your objectives’. This is why a manager is not evaluated based on his strategic vision but rather on the team he leads (recruiting the right people, providing the right training, managing conflicts, etc) and the work processes he manages (team effectiveness, productivity, etc).

Earlier in my career, I recall having a conversation with a Director about my readiness to become a manager. Instead of asking me what position I was aiming for, he asked me: ‘’What drives you? Is it the result of the projects you successfully accomplish? Or is it the satisfaction of seeing other people enjoy working on projects you are accountable for?

He was trying to make me understand that the main difference between expectations from an expert vs a manager is not based on how much quality work you produce but rather what conditions you put in place to help your team produce quality work. Will you enjoy providing training, clarifying roles, finding the best employee to complete you team, empowering your team, improving communication within the team and collaboration with other teams, etc?

Are you ready?

With that being said, how can you tell if you will do a good job as a manager? First and foremost, you must understand that The what made you become an expert in your field will not automatically make you a great leader. Just like the Director had told me: ‘You need to make that mental shift and get gratification from seeing your team doing the work successfully.’ Or else, you will not be happy and your team will suffer from it…

So let me ask you the same questions: What drives you? Have you made the mental shift? What do you think you still need to improve on before making the jump? Does this confirm that you are indeed ready to make the move? Did you learn something new? Let me know in the comments below!

Part 2???

You might wonder what we will discuss in Part 2? Well, we will share tips on what to do to get the promotion! From your resume to what to say during the interview to make you stand out as the best candidate and get promoted. As a bonus point, we will even touch on what you can do right now, in your current job, to get a head start for your promotion. Stay tuned!

Until part 2: Happy learning!


Special learning invitation!


Today i have finally decided to take the leap and share my passion with you! What is it you might ask? Well, as an HR professional with an open, curious and inquisitive mind who loves life and people: my passion is to learn from peoples’ experience as they grow, evolve, fumble, get back up and soar. I love to connect with their mind: what excites, scares and motivates them!

It is easy to judge or praise when people fail or succeed. But what goes on their mind as they transition through the different stages? What thoughts and internal conversations do they engage in to fall forward and reach higher? What tools and support they lean on to bounce back and accelerate their progress?

Here, I will share with you what I’ve learned from my personal experiences and conversations I have had with influencers, executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives, baby boomers, millennials, etc. People have different experiences, some that you will probably relate to. I will share with you how they were able to rise above the headaches and heartaches, create their new path and embark on their new journey: the journey to live a happy successful life!

Being in the HR field for a little while, I have also had the chance to access to a great variety of resources (research, executives, influencers, books, courses, etc.) that I am sure could be helpful. Let me be your #1 resource for professional growth insights and help you become the best that you can be!

Are you ready to learn with me? Let me tell you: It’s going to be a fun ride!

Is there an industry, business, role, function or situation that you would like to learn more about? Let me know in the comments below and I will be more than happy to bring the learnings to your fingertips!

Until then: happy learning!
